Saturday, September 11, 2010

Keep in Touch

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Boost Mobile. All opinions are 100% mine.

One of the perks of this day and age of technology is the effortless way of staying updated with the world around us. The seamlessly unending information that is much more appropriately defined as spoon feeding. Yes it’s all about computers nowadays and they are constantly evolving every single day. 

Gone are the days of 256 personal computers with paper white screen and floppy drives. I bet kids today can’t even imagine using a mouseless computer much less use a computer without an internet connection.
I must admit that us consumers are mostly benefited in every growth of technology. Now when was the last time you wrote a letter to a friend or relative just to ask if everything’s okey? I bet it has been quite a while. Today, with just a click of a button, you can catch up on your loved ones’ daily activities and so much more.

What’s even better is the phone technology that we have today. I’m quite sure most of you have been tinkering with Facebook and updating our accounts daily. To tell you frankly, I just updated my account about an hour ago. My brother by the way, do his daily update via hisBlackberry . It sure beats using the PC. It’s much more handy and obviously easier to use. You can check out otherBoost Mobile  phones for more info. What’s good about boost mobile phones is that they have  Re-Boost centers for easy payments. Bet it can’t get any better than that.

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